Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Weekend-Golfer Story

It was my wifes idea. I wish I could take the credit but I can't. It seems like it was a life time ago and I remember her telling me to create a golf related web site. Well, I can tell you this, when my wife says I should do something golf related there are two things I don't do.

I Don't Ask Any Questions And I Don't Say, "Huh."

I remember that I wanted to be a little, OK maybe a lot different from the other golf web sites. There are a ton of web sites about golf so I had to really try to stand out to be different. One thing that I did notice was the repetition and the sameness from site to site. That made me think that to stand out I needed to not have the same things all of the other sites had.

The web site is created.

So the journey began. I started looking for quality products to introduce and try to promote to my soon vast quantity of visitors. You know that really wasn't too hard. I found all kinds of equipment, training aids, instructional products and more. Now that I had a list I had to figure our of to get the product so I could write a review and post the information on the web site.

Luckily, that process of getting products was not too hard. There are a lot of golf products that need to be promoted and by having a golf web site was another way for the manufacture to market their merchandise. I did find out over time that like most things they just did not work as expected. I kept looking and looking but the process began to pay off and our list of products began to grow and make my web site have the content I was looking for.

The Long Putter

I have met some really great people along the way and I am are lucky to say they are our friends today. My brother-in-law introduce me to a top amateur golfer who had written a couple of golf books. One of them was on how to use a long putter. To make a long story short, we ended up doing a complete update the the book "The Long View of Improved Putting." I was even able to contribute a couple of chapters in the book. From there I created the web site - If you want to improve your putting you might want to check it out.

If You Build It They Will Come...

Remember that line from the movies? To our surprise and amazment it was working. Our visitor count was growing. The web sites were getting clicks. But what next? what else could I do that would make sense and keep the visitors coming and coming back. I knew that the web site had to be kept up to date and that it needed to have new and good content all of the time. Then it came to me. The long putter site was doing very nicely, what about another niche site, what about wedges. That was it, a web site only about the four wedges.

Four Wedges

To compliment and add to the information on and we created A web site that only targets the pitching wedge, the gap wedge, the sand wedge, and the lob wedge. Again I wanted to maintain the same goals for - quality items and content that you find find on every other golf web site.

The Visitors Keep Coming

Now with three web sites the activity level is keep me busy. Constantly searching for quality content, trying to test the products that were sent for review, trying to play a few rounds of golf each summer and keep up with our full time career. It was a challenge and after a while it was beginning to get a bit "old." Then it came to me, another niche web site. This was one that I certainly would be able to relate to maybe better that the others.

Being a baby boomer I fall into the category of senior golfers. This would be perfect! A web site that would only target the very large group of senior golfers. I knew all about the challenges and troubles faced, I am a senior golfer. The web site was created -

They visitors are still coming and I am having more fun than I care to write about. I wish you would come take a look at any of the web sites. Once there drop me a note, I would love to hear from you. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help in your golf game. I might not have the answer but I know the answer is out there and I can help you find it.

Thanks for reading....

Larry - the weekend golfer.

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